Website Design

Crafting remarkable website experiences

Your business’ website is its online home, shop window and extension of your brand. A well-designed website can help you achieve all your marketing goals. However, trends change and you need to make sure your site stays relevant to your customers.

On this page, we’ll look at the elements of website creation and why you need a great-looking, smooth-functioning site. We’ll also look at how March designs websites that strengthen brands and win customers.

Website Design

What is website creation?

Website design covers every aspect of your site. Including:

  • Content – The information conveyed on your site
  • Look – The way your website appears to visitors
  • User experience – How your visitors navigate their way around your site
  • Functionality – The services your site offers visitors. For example, e-commerce

Think of the websites you like and spend time on; perhaps, you love shopping on Amazon or catching up with friends on Facebook. Those sites don’t look or perform in the way they do by accident. They have been meticulously planned and designed by skilled website developers.

Why you need a well-designed website

Your website is the online representation of your business. When people discover your website, they will form an opinion of your business. If your site doesn’t look appealing or doesn’t work correctly, they will think poorly of your company too.

On the other hand, building a website is your opportunity to position your business exactly how you want to. It’s a place for you to articulate your brand messaging:

  • What you stand for
  • Your vision
  • Your aims

Through your website, you control the narrative and the perception of your brand, using the words and language, design and user experience. Make the content on your site reflect your brand and build a rapport with your audience. Your website is your chance to gain a competitive advantage.

As well as your brand, your site could be the way you actually do business. On your website, customers can interact and make purchases any time, day or night, wherever they are. Your online store allows you to be at work, even if you’re not. Your e-commerce site must provide a simple way for customers to access information, make contact and buy products.


It only takes 0.05 seconds for a visitor to construct an opinion of your website - source


75% of consumers judge the credibility of a company by looking at its website design - source


85% of people believe a business’ mobile version of its site should be better than its desktop version - source

How to design an effective website

Building a website is a challenge that needs a great deal of preparation and planning.

It causes you to think deeply about your business, your goals and how you want to be seen by your prospects and customers.

Here are three aspects you must consider before you start:

  • Who are your customers? – What kinds of people buy your product? What elements of design do they respond to? Your site must appeal to them directly, from colours, to tone of voice, to functionality and more.
  • How do your customers use your site? – Are your customers more likely to go on to your website from their phones? If so, your design must reflect this. When it comes to navigating around your site, users will not put up with a poor experience.
  • What message do you want to send? – What do you want to tell your users about your business and your brand? For example, are you professional and serious or friendly and humorous? Your website will convey this and more to your visitors.

Once you have this in place, you need to think about the ideal user experience for your customers. Sketch out a site design which is intuitive and easy to follow. What pages do you want to have on your site? How do you want your users to move between them?

The next step is to think about what you need your site to do. Does it need e-commerce functionality? Will you add chatbots to help your customers talk to you? How will you keep your customers’ data secure?

Finally, think about the visual elements. Do you have a brand colour palette already in place? Make sure you find images that show your business, products and services in their best light.

If you need some expert help, it’s time to talk to March.

Website Development Mobile

March – website creation company

As website developers, March will help you create a website that powers your business. Every business is unique; we’ll build you a site that shows the world what makes your company special.

We work in collaboration with our customers, so you are involved throughout the process. Here is how a typical web design project works with March:

  • We take the time to get to know you, your company and your customers. We’ll work out what you want to achieve with your new website.
  • We’ll sketch out wireframes for your site; a test version of your website so you can see how it will work and make changes if necessary.
  • Finally, we build your site so it projects your brand, providing you with the tools to educate, sell and market to your audience.

Crafting remarkable website experiences

Your website is your opportunity to show the world why they should become customers of your business. It’s your chance to set yourself apart from the crowd, as well as to do business any time of the day or night.

If you’re starting a business, make sure you create a website that does all of these things.

If you’re an existing business with a website that is starting to look a little dated, it might be time for a refresh! Make sure your site keeps up with new trends and new devices that customers are using.

Get in Touch Get in Touch
Talk to March today to find out more
Call: +44 (0)330 333 0252
E-mail: [email protected]

Featured Projects

March redesigned our website and printed materials, embracing the ethos of our restaurants beautifully! The team worked tremendously hard to get our new website live in time for our Bayswater restaurant launch. Completely recommended!
Sharizah Hashim
Founder, Dapur