E-commerce Website Design

Maximising your online revenue

If you want your customers to be able to buy your products through your website, without having to come to your premises or speak to you on the phone, you need an e-commerce website. E-commerce websites need to perform several different functions if they are going to run smoothly.

On this page, we’ll look at exactly what makes up e-commerce web design and why you need it. We’ll also look at how March can help you create an e-commerce site that delights your customers and sells your products and services, even when you’re not around.

What are e-commerce websites?

E-commerce (short for electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services entirely over the internet. Every aspect of the buying and selling process takes place online, from the customer selecting what they want, to payment, to fulfilment.

The goal for e-commerce business owners is for their site to run automatically, with as little input from them as possible. When you get e-commerce right, it can revolutionise your business. Amazon is the world’s most successful e-commerce business and the standard that all others are measured against.

E-commerce sites need to be designed differently from standard websites, due to the increased amount of functions they need to perform.

They need to be appealing to customers and easy to navigate. They need to display your products and services in their best light. Finally, when your customer clicks ‘Buy’, they need to be able to handle their data and payments securely.

E-commerce web design is the process of creating an e-commerce site that does all of this and more.

Therapist Website Design

Case Study: Booking System for The Self Space

Why you need strong E-commerce website design

Whether you’re running your e-commerce site as part of a mix of channels, or it’s your sole sales channel, you need your website to be the best it can be. It needs to perform all the necessary functions, but it has to be more than just a way for customers to buy.

Creating an e-commerce site is a skill in itself, distinct from standard website design. With e-commerce, small things matter. The placement of the ‘Buy’ button, or the colours and fonts you use can make a significant difference to your conversion rates, while add-ons like the ability to create wish-lists or abandoned cart emails can boost sales in a big way.


Abandoned cart emails have a conversion rate of 5.2% if sent within 20 minutes - source


By 2021, almost 73% of e-commerce will be done on mobile, estimates say - source


Sites that offer PayPal as a payment method receive 70% more checkouts than sites that don’t - source

How to create a great e-commerce site

You may think, after reading all of this, that e-commerce website development is complex. Fortunately, a lot of the work has already been done for you.

When it comes to design, you can see how super-successful e-commerce businesses like Amazon and ASOS do it and use it as inspiration. For the functionality of the site, you can use existing e-commerce platforms, like Shopify and WooCommerce, to implement showcasing, payments, fulfilment and more. You simply bring in the features you need and incorporate them into your site.

As you start to sketch out your e-commerce site, here are some things you must think about:

  • Make your design as customer-friendly as possible – customers will leave if they can’t find what they want
  • People want know that your product is good before you buy it – can you incorporate social proof like reviews into your site?
  • Your customers will have to create an account with you, but make it as easy as possible
  • With e-commerce, you can sell around the world – make sure your site can accept other currencies
  • What will be your policies around shipping and taxes – customers want their stuff ASAP and they don’t want to see hidden charges
  • Security is paramount – make sure you have your SSL certificate, secure payment portal and everything else totally covered

If you need some expert help, it’s time to talk to March.

March – e-commerce website development

At March, we have years of experience in creating e-commerce websites that delight customers and make sales for clients. Happy customers include Healthy Back Bag.

Together, we’ll create a site that:

  • Looks great
  • Showcases your products and services
  • Is easy to navigate and make purchases from
  • Gives your customers all the information they need to make an informed purchase
  • Offers total security for your customers’ personal data and payment details
  • Keeps you and the customer informed about their transaction
  • Takes care of the marketing side – abandoned cart emails, recommendations and more

We’ll help you create something that ‘just works’, running in the background while you do what you’re good at: running your business.

By sitting down and talking about your business, your customers and your plans for the future, we’ll build an e-commerce site that gets you where you want to go.

Driving your revenue online

You don’t need to be Amazon to be successful at e-commerce. Any business can create an e-commerce arm that amazes customers and sells products. Think of it as a shop that never closes, with branches everywhere in the world!

Start getting your e-commerce site up and running today./

Get in Touch Get in Touch
Talk to March today to find out more
Call: +44 (0)330 333 0252
E-mail: [email protected]

Featured Projects

Thanks for all your great work on the Self Space website - it looks fabulous! I’m delighted with the project and excited to see to see how much reach it has.
Jodie Cariss
Founder, Self Space