Brand Development

The route to a more effective and memorable brand

When you go through brand development in your business, you lay the foundations on which you can build the brand that sets you apart from your competitors. However, it’s never a ‘set it and forget it’ process. It means the constant maintenance of your brand.

On this page, we’ll dive deep into brand development. We’ll look at what it is, why you should do it and how to do it well. We’ll also look at how March, as a brand development agency, can help you through the process.

What is brand development?

Brand development is the process where you create the concept of your business’ brand. Then, you maintain its consistency and quality. The primary goal is to build and sustain esteem for your brand in your customer’s mind. The most successful brands in the world, like Amazon and Apple, aren’t just logos. Over the years and decades, they have built up an emotional connection with their users. That’s down to brand development.

Brand development and branding

It’s important not to confuse brand development and branding. But, what’s the difference?

Brand development is the concept of the brand, the behind-the-scenes work where you work out what your brand is going to be. Branding is where it becomes a reality. Branding is where you apply your brand development to the way you communicate with your customers.

Strong brand development leads to the end result of better branding. When you put time, thought and effort into the development of your brand, it shines through, showing customers that you care. When they find out who you are, they are more likely to like what they see.

It also leads to more effective branding. Brand development, as we shall see later, involves detailed analysis of your customers, your marketplace and your message. To draw up branding without looking at these things would lead to disastrous results.

Brand Development

The Healthy Back Bag RebrandingBefore vs After: Transitioning a medicinal brand to a fashion brand.


91% of consumers say they would rather buy from a brand that is authentic - source


Customers that have an emotional connection with a brand have a lifetime value three times higher than average - source


90% of customers expect to see the same branding across all channels and platforms - source

How to develop your brand

Making brand building an ongoing process in your business ensures your branding continues to align with the goals of your business. It also ensures you continue to delight your customers.

Brand development is a challenge that causes you to think more deeply about your customers, your market and where your place is in the wider world.

Here are two things you must consider as you start to define your brand:

  • Where do you sit in your marketplace? – Think about your competitors and where your strengths and weaknesses are compared to theirs. Do you beat them on price or service? What is changing in your industry that could leave opportunities open to you?
  • Who are your customers? – Do you know who buys your products or uses your services? Why do they buy from you? What do they think about you? When you know what works (or what doesn’t), you can focus on the most effective messages

If you already have a brand for your business, think of how it is working for you and your customers…

What channels perform better than others? What have you done recently that has worked? How could you improve the results?

If you need some expert help, it’s time to talk to March.

Connect Brand Development

Connect Brand DevelopmentBefore vs After: Transitioning a financial recruiter to an executive search firm.

March – your brand development agency

As a brand development agency, March can help you with your brand building. We know you have a great story to tell. Let’s help you tell it effectively.

Together, we’ll go through the entire brand development process, then be with you to make sure your brand remains consistent and compelling:

  • We’ll perform a full SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis to determine how you measure up to your competition
  • We’ll help you talk to your audience, to find the stories behind the data
  • We’ll show you the possibilities that open up as you build your brand, whether it’s online, in marketing materials or anywhere else

We are also experts in branding and brand identity, so when we’ve helped you lay the foundations of your brand, we can help you bring it to life through execution. Check out our work with Stem Cell Fairy.

By sitting down and talking about your business, your customers and your goals for the future, we’ll help you build a brand that gets you where you need to be.

Brand Development that sets you apart

Brand development isn’t just for Amazon and Apple.
Any business can create a brand that resonates with its customers, but it takes a lot of thought and planning.
That’s brand development.

Get in Touch Get in Touch
Talk to March today to find out more
Call: +44 (0)330 333 0252
E-mail: [email protected]

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To say we're impressed by March's work is an understatement. We've worked with them on everything from branding to back-end web solutions and they never fail to deliver a quality product. They're a pleasure to work with and when they say they will do something, it actually gets done! 10/10.
Darcy Carson-Keane
Head of Brand, The Healthy Back Bag